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また、ハッとする英文見つけました。(7/2号←リンクされてます、参照)英詩の中の”Bloom where God has planted you.”という文章、今高年者間で話題の渡辺和子氏の著書の題名となった原典なのだそうですが、英文とはこんな簡単な用語でこんな意味深い事柄が表現できてしまうのか、と驚いたのです。訳すと「置かれた場所で咲きなさい」という、味もそっけもない和文になってしまうのですが(和文でも意味深か)、英文だと何故か印象深く感じる(以前もそうでした。)、これは私だけでしょうか。(この文の解釈として、私の趣味の囲碁での話ですが、「どんな不利に見える盤面でも、そこからゲームが始まったつもりで最善を尽くすべし」という格言を思い出します。ゴルフにも有り勝負事にはつきもののようですね、この考えかた、人生は勝負ではありませんが---。)余談ですが、日本人には訳語のように”Bloom where you have been(下線部wereがベターか) planted.”のような受け身の形の方がピンときますが、ネーティブは逆のようですね。英語なるものが一つの事を言うのに千通りの言い方ができてしまう言語だからこそ、簡単・簡潔に言われると、ズキンとする。もしそうだとすると、英文学という学問が存在するのも分かる気がします。(以前、覚えればよいだけの唯の言葉でなにが学問かと英文学の存在を揶揄しましたが。)色は千色あれど、少ない色(学校英語に相当?)でも、無色(身振り手振りに相当?---shrugという動作は日本人には本当に似合わないですね、何でなのでせうあれは、一体全体。移民したJapaneseAmericanのその動作見てみたい、例えば現在NHKのトレッドジャパンに出演中のShimabukuro氏などの。)でさえも、感動的な絵が描けてしまう、そんな芸術なのか、英文とは---。「さー今日は、どんな言葉でどう言おか、」こう考えると、英語の発信型学習も心躍る作業ですね。頑張れ、発信英語学習者!このブログが受信の為のものである事も忘れ、一転英語礼賛になってしまいました、それも発信英語の---ははは。ともあれ、複雑な事には違いないようです(知らないから複雑に感じるだけか)。学習者のレベルでは、もっともっと単純に考えて良い、いや、べきなのでしょうが---。






He was sentenced to death but then reprieved.
The library has been reprieved and will remain open for at least another year.

2)<while reviewing the troops, the officer delivered a curt reprimand to one of the soldiers>

3)Enemy officers suffered harsh reprisals.

4)The fear of reproof prevented them from complaining.

5)The teacher reproved the student for being late.

6)He has publicly repudiated the government's policies.

7)<technically speaking, it may not be a violation, but it is certainly repugnant to the spirit of the law>

8)I was repulsed by the movie's violence.

9)The people I work with are a bunch of slackers.

10)The war has polarized the nation.---他動詞用法

11)Don't be such a hog! Other people have to eat too!

12)<keeps a hoard of empty yogurt containers in his basement workshop for storing whatnots>

13)Negotiations between the countries reached a critical juncture.

14)Experts have confirmed that the signature on the letter is authentic.

15)bears hibernating in their dens

16)The band is making an album again after a five-year hiatus.

17)<our much beloved, recently demised leader>

18)We huddled around the campfire.

19)The herbal tea quickly cleared up my headache.

20)She was diffident about stating her opinion.



1)mythical→ミシカル→インチキ( ? )(せ)怒る神話
2)tidbit→チドビト→どんな人々好きで探し回る( ? )。耳より情報
3)plausible→プローシブル→アマのみならずプロを搾る、( ? )指弾。もっともらしい
4)brawl→ブロール→素手でブローる(なぐり合う)( ? )取っ組み合い
5)terrain→テライン→山の上のその( ? )は密教の寺にしたらいいん( ? )ですよ、丁度寺いいん!。土地、地形
6)、7)allusion,citation→アルージョン、サイテーション→あなたの著書には、他人の著作物からの( ? )が有るーじょん最低しょん(でしょう)。引用部
8)pejorative→ピジョラティブ→美女ら恥部隠さず」は美女を( ? )言い回し。軽蔑する
9)hauteur→ホーテハ→体罰はってはおけんと言う( ? )幹部たち。高慢な
10)euphonious→ユーホーニアス→焦点を聞く方より言う方に合わす、( ? )は良くなる。口調
11)eureka→ユーリカ→やったー!ヤリイカ( ? )見つけた
12)fulminate→フルミネート→温泉は湯温の管理が大事。良く風呂(フル)見ねーこっぴどく( ? )客達は。非難する
13)pecuniary→ペクニアリ→人々の関心のピークに有り、( ? )問題は。金銭上の
14)tantamount→タンタマウント→タンの検査はタン溜まんとしない( ? )に等しい
15)sanctify→サンクティファイ→参宮手配は身を( ? )から。清めて---サンクティファイから参宮手配を連想するのは無理があるか、要改良。
16)sanguine→サングイン→解散無しの参議員は( ? )楽観的
17)pungent→パンジェント→( ? )批評にも動じないよう対策を万全(パンジェン)した。辛辣な
18)halting→ホールティング→変な男紹介さるも、( ? )も惚れて(ん)女ごころ。ためらいながら
19)evangelist→→イヴァンゲリストそんなに威張んじゃリストから外しちゃうよ、( ? )の候補リストから。福音伝道者
20)evanescence→イヴァンネセンス→どうせ( ? )事を知ってる者は決して威張んねせんす(威張る事はないものです)。いずれ消えゆく


1)In August, his government drew international condemnation for executing nine death-row inmates by firing squad, prompting it to suspend 38 other planned executions.
ReutersJan 20, 2013
Earlier this month, a decision by an appeals court to uphold prison terms for 13 protest leaders drew international condemnation.
ReutersJan 18, 2013

2)In response to denunciations by Jesse Helms, the longtime North Carolina senator, Act Up members stretched a giant condom over his home.
New York TimesSep 21, 2012
They too are waiting for Anderson’s fearless denunciation.
TimeSep 2, 2012

3)The IMF on Friday formally censured Argentina for putting out inaccurate data.
BBCFeb 5, 2013
Why do these offensive images in Hogarth's art escape censure?
The GuardianJan 30, 2013


5)This season Mr. Tharaud took a little flak for performing recitals in New York using printed scores.
New York Times Jan 1, 2013
Palestinians, while also hard hit by the austerity measures, have mostly laid low to avoid political flak.
Reuters Nov 29, 2012

6)At least “Amaluna” is consistent, in paying homage to all things womanly.
Seattle Times Feb 2, 2013
Anthology Film Archives is paying homage to Vogel with a series, starting Wednesday, of more than two dozen works discussed in his book.
New York Times Feb 3, 2013

7)She will accept her latest accolade at this year's awards ceremony, to be held in London's Royal Opera House on 10 February.

BBCJan 30, 2013
Along the way, Horowitz has received countless personal accolades. SlateJan 28, 2013

8)In fairness, in her eulogy, Ms. Rice said she differed with Mr. Meles on questions like democracy and human rights.

New York TimesDec 10, 2012
Journalists, normally a sour lot, queued up to deliver eulogies at the post-fight news conference. BBCNov 25, 2012

9)It has come to this: Later today, esteemed members of the U.S.

TimeJan 24, 2013
Layton said it "feels really good to be in such esteemed company".
BBCJan 21, 2013

10)“I hardly eat anything except those,” Ms. Johnson said, legs akimbo in her pink chintz chair.

New York TimesDec 20, 2012
The fire-light's glow fell no longer on leather and oak, but on old flowered chintz and mahogany.... Williams, Wayland Wells

11)Especially with Package A folks, who were going chintzy in the first place?
The New YorkerOct 8, 2012
Fortunately the show’s chintzy elements are offset not only by the performers’ extraordinary abilities but also by their mostly self-effacing manners.
New York TimesJul 23, 2012

12)Here in the States, though, no one comes close to Davis and White's exquisite performances. Seattle TimesJan 26, 2013
An exquisite work, it was beautifully played by Li-Wei Qin.
The GuardianJan 22, 2013

13)His playing was polished yet essayistic and almost extemporaneous. New York TimesDec 11, 2012
In typical Clinton form, much of his convention speech was extemporaneous. New York TimesSep 11, 2012

14)His favorite tactic is unpacking rhetoric, explicating dog whistles, revealing subtext. New York TimesOct 4, 2012
In his illuminating new book, the journalist Jonah Lehrer explicates some now classic case studies. New York TimesApr 3, 2012

15)On Saturday, Mr Belaid accused "mercenaries" hired by Ennahda of carrying out an attack on a DP meeting. BBCFeb 7, 2013
On Saturday he accused "mercenaries" hired by the Ennahda party of carrying out an attack on a Democratic Patriots meeting.
BBCFeb 6, 2013

16)As Cage wryly acknowledged in 1950: "Marcel was using chance operations the year I was born." The GuardianJan 7, 2013
Many observers wryly noted on social media that the opera house was a fitting setting for the speech.
New York TimesJan 6, 2013

17)Beginning to panic, Mr. Fee found the kitchen window ajar and climbed in through it.
New York TimesFeb 3, 2013
He did not look like someone who would play next season, though the door was left almost imperceptibly ajar.
New York TimesJan 21, 2013

18)China would exploit hitherto untapped resources of coal gas that, instead of blowing up miners, would run power plants.
NewsweekFeb 5, 2013
The scientists say the find sheds light on hitherto unexplored subterranean habitats in India.
BBCDec 14, 2012

19)“I hardly eat anything except those,” Ms. Johnson said, legs akimbo in her pink chintz chair.
New York TimesDec 20, 2012
I’d held pen and notepad akimbo and reported hypocritically at points.
SalonNov 15, 2012

20)Security Council described it as a heinous act.
ReutersFeb 3, 2013
Security Council strongly condemned the attack as a heinous act.
ReutersFeb 2, 2013



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