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1)Animals and Mythical Creatures---NHK教材は句だけなので、辞書からの例文を補完しておきます。Hercules was a mythical hero who was half man and half god.
2)Here's an interesting new titbit(米語の綴りはtidbid---米語ではtがdに発音され易いことがこれでよく判りますね。ブリティッシュ英語はt音がとにかく強い.
3)"Oh! Maybe she saw a bear and mistook it for Bigfoot." "That's plausible."
4)Two patients were being treated for injuries from a brawl.
5)At St.Bernard Ski Resort they have over 3.000 acres divided into beginner,intermediate and expert terrain.
既掲載)badger and mule: I don't mean to badger you.I can be as stubborn as a mule.
venomous:"You are a snake in Chinese animal sign.""So am I venomous?""Far from it. Snakes are witty and wise."
eerie:"Do you hear what I hear? "" Yes. It's eerie. I7D say it's a woman singing!"
6)The lyrics contain biblical allusions.
7)The Science Citation Index covers approximately 3,500 of the world's leading scholarly journals in more than 150 disciplines.
8)<the reviewer used the pejorative word versifier to refer to the writer, whose poems had struck a responsive chord with the general public>
9)<she looked at him with the hauteur of someone who is accustomed to being instantly obeyed>
10)<an opera singer with an appropriately euphonious name>
11)The word was used to describe a new breakthrough anti-aging product. "This is a real eureka product!"
12)She was fulminating about the dangers of smoking.
13)<that makes good pecuniary sense>
14)His statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt
15)The priest sanctified their marriage.
16)She has a sanguine disposition.
17)The left has often complained that what it needs isn't polite speech, but voices as pungent as those on the right.
18)She answered in a halting voice.
19)an evangelist of space exploration
20)<the evanescence of a rainbow detracts not a whit from its beauty>                         

1)condemnation→コンデンネイション→( ? )れたのはどれ?こんで(ん)ねーしょん?(これでもないでしょう) 非難
2)denunciation→デナンシエイション→こんなに( ? )にさらされ、(で)なんしえーしょん非難
3)censure→センシュア→先週また( ? )受けたね。非難
4)rap→ラップ→ラップミュージックは、高年者には( ? )され易い。非難
5)flak→フラック→いっせいに( ? )フラッ(ク)を揚げた。非難
5ー2)rebuke→レビューク→分量の多さのレビュー苦を読者は( ? )非難
6)homage→ホウミッジ→( ? )するならするで早く褒めっじまえ。尊敬
7)accolade→アコレイド→「出品作多いけど、どれも今一だ。」「これどー(これーど)( ? )あげていいね、これ。」
8)eulogy→ユーロジー→孫の事は何でもいいから( ? )たいと言う老人褒め
9)esteem→エスティーム→( ? )ものには、心からーすって言い(む)しょう。尊敬
10)chintz→チンツ→ある組織に反抗して銃撃受けた少女、鎮痛な面持ちで( ? )に身を包み。インドサラサ
11)chintzy→チンツィ→賃ついケチって、( ? )非難され。しみったれ
12)exquisite→エグズクイズイット→前菜、あといくつ食い、じっと待ってりゃいいの、( ? )料理された主菜を。精細
13)extemporaneous→エクステンポラナス→あといくつ天ぷらねいやす(無いですか)、( ? )ラーメンに入れるテンプラ即席
14)explicate→エクスプリケイト→そう言えばいままでの体罰( ? )されてなかったね、( 仝 )されるのいくつ振りけーと、皆聞いた。解明
15)mercenary→マーセナリ→子供のくせに、( ? )とは、おませなり金目当て
16)wryly→ゥライリ→晴れの入学式で、( ? )とは、さては裏入り(「裏口入学」のここだけの新語)か。ふてくされて
17)ajar→アジャー→あじゃー、冷蔵庫( ? )だ。半ドア
18)hitherto→ヒザトゥー→膝と膝 突き合わせて語る間柄には( ? )まだなってはいない今のところ
19)akimbo→アキンボウ→飽きん坊はすぐそれだ、( ? )プイっとする。両手腰に張って
20)heinous→ヘイナス→北アフリカの護衛兵、なすすべ無しの( ? )事件。凶悪
eerie、daunting、dormantuntapped、transmitconvey、foliage、salute、 oozingaffliction、entail、entity

1)Tanner provided its eerie sound on several Beach Boys recordings, including "Good Vibrations."
Seattle TimesFeb 7, 2013
Other stories in “We Live in Water” are eerier, like “Thief.”
New York TimesFeb 1, 2013
2)Duluoz arrives at night, making his way there through the spooky oceanic dark.
SlateJan 15, 2013
"Pretty Wicked Things" is spooky and eerie - in a good way.
Seattle TimesJan 15, 2013
3)Gad said playing a living person was daunting, but that acting was, by its nature, pretending.
The GuardianFeb 1, 2013
She also said service members overseas faced sometimes daunting obstacles in voting.
New York TimesJan 31, 2013
4)Adding Pages to a Songbook Can one astoundingly gifted singer revive a beloved but dormant jazz vocal tradition?
New York TimesFeb 4, 2013
That’s because the chickenpox virus remains in the body, lying dormant in the roots of nerves, and can reactivate many years later.
TimeJan 30, 2013

5)But finding effective ways of utilising their latent power have proved elusive.
BBCJan 14, 2013
Hibino believes conditions are now ripe for capturing that latent demand.
ReutersDec 26, 2012

6)Even grief is a blunt instrument in this torpid place.
The GuardianDec 19, 2012
The question presses still, though the wind is no longer torpid.
The GuardianJul 7, 2012
7)China would exploit hitherto untapped resources of coal gas that, instead of blowing up miners, would run power plants.
NewsweekFeb 5, 2013

He thinks there is an untapped market for distinctive, local spirits, just as there proved to be for craft beers, he said.
New York TimesFeb 4, 2013
8)How it works: You can transmit contact information by tapping together two products containing NFC chips.
IncFeb 7, 2013
A feed from the high-security courtroom at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, was transmitted to several locations inside the United States, including Fort Meade.
New York TimesFeb 5, 2013(vt),⑤convey(vt)

8-2)Someone talking about work on an Alzheimer's drug, for example, might mention their grandmother's experience with the condition to convey how devastating the symptoms are.
NatureFeb 7, 2013
Volkswagen said the accent is intended to convey a "relaxed cheerful demeanor."
Seattle TimesJan 30, 2013

9)Bring back, he cried, “the old foliage and acid reviews.”
New York TimesJan 31, 2013
It's also well maintained to stop foliage limiting visibility.
NatureJan 31, 2013

10)“I’ve been — not irrelevant — but on sabbatical, out of the limelight,” Plummer said while standing in front of a Times Square hotel before the promotion.
New York TimesNov 26, 2012
Guardiola has taken a year's sabbatical in New York and has no intention of returning before he originally planned.
The GuardianNov 22, 2012      

11)He cites the dearth in developing countries of enforceable safety rules, health care for workers and courts to redress grievances when things go wrong.
EconomistJan 25, 2013
Across the nation, ski resorts are increasingly trying to make up for a dearth of snowfall by manufacturing their own.
New York TimesDec 7, 2012
12)Chanting monks led Buddhist prayers for the former king, before an artillery salute sounded out and fireworks were set off.
BBCFeb 5, 2013
He saluted the crowd as he was taken off the icy course.
Seattle TimesJan 30, 2013
13)Mr. Clemens’s blue-collar credentials are close to impeccable, but around these hard men he’s a mewling yuppie.
New York TimesJan 19, 2011
His mewling, puking boss tried to backpedal and mutter something about a tax break for married couples but he might as well save his breath.
The GuardianOct 9, 2010

14)At his local bar, for example, an imitation Irish pub, the bartender sedates the customers by showing them sumo wrestling highlights.
New York TimesJan 3, 2013
“He was sedated,” Mr. Hammond, “and he said.
New York TimesDec 24, 2012

15)His remarks often sounded like pronouncements by an officeholder, proposing policy changes and oozing invective for political opponents and journalistic rivals.
New York TimesFeb 1, 2013
Within seconds, tweet after tweet poured in; anger, disgust, disbelief oozing through each hastily written entry.
Seattle TimesJan 26, 2013

16)Perhaps in writing Sorry! he will have found a cure for his affliction.
The GuardianJan 27, 2013
Larimore: An affliction that has once again turned his life—or at least his apartment—upside down.
SlateJan 23, 2013

17)The Air Force, meanwhile, is leaving the tracking to NASA, said spokesman Major Eric Badger.
Washington PostFeb 8, 2013
The Badgers have relied heavily on Paige's scoring prowess this season.
Seattle TimesFeb 1, 2013

18)We know that virtually every single mental disorder identified thus far has a heritable basis.
SalonJan 25, 2013

Then, too, much evidence has come to light recently showing that sex-characters in certain cases behave as heritable characters and are independent of external conditions.
Guyer, Michael F.
19)Broiling Broiling entails cooking food under high, direct heat for a short period of time.
TimeFeb 1, 2013
Switching batteries would come at a steep cost, and would likely entail months of engineering work as well as new certification by regulators.
New York TimesJan 30, 2013
20)World leaders should declare Hezbollah a terrorist entity, Israel's leader has said, hours after Bulgaria blamed the Lebanese group for a deadly bus bomb.
BBCFeb 6, 2013
At least six states or political entities are engaged in territorial disputes with China, three of which are close strategic partners of the United States.
TimeFeb 1, 2013



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