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                          随  想

                         本  題






⑪mull (vt,n)  ⑥ponder(vt,vi)   ⑦deem (vt) ① account(n,vi,vt) ⑤deliberate(a,vt,vi) ⑥ contemplate (vt,vi) ⑤meditate(vi,vt)


1)<elves are often portrayed as rather mischievous>  ~として描写する
2)<the child insisted that he'd seen a sprite hiding in the garden>
3)<fairies are part of the folklore of many countries and cultures>
4)<leave a dish of milk and some bread out for the pixies>
5)<dressed up the toddlers like goblins for Halloween>
参考)<she bought the book of fairy tales for the beautiful engravings of nymphs and fairies featured between the stories>
6)The disease continues to be a scourge in the developing world.
7)<baked a scrumptious chocolate cake>
8)<a tabloid journalist who has never scrupled to reveal the most intimate details about the lives of celebrities>
9)The work requires scrupulous attention to detail.
10)I closely scrutinized my opponent's every move.
11)<a scurrilous satire on the scandal that enveloped Washington>
12)I refuse to be cowed by their threats.
13)And the coxswain, Israel Hands, was a careful, wily, old, experienced seaman who could be trusted at a pinch with almost anything. ‐‐‐「舵取り」はcoxwainの形で表されるのが多そうです。
14)It is distinctly odd to read a whole page dedicated to Hitler's life and character without a reference to his anti-Semitism. To say that Swiss banks contained gold coming from the bank accounts, the jewelry boxes, and the teeth of concentration camp victims is a little coy.
15)I have it in my head that I first read "coz" in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet but I could be mistaken. I like greeting my cousins with it because it makes me feel quite old school!


1)feasible→フィーズブル→本当に( ? )となったら、ぶるったよ実行可能
2)feat→フィート→輝かしい( ? )ヒートアップし偉業
3)feast→フィースト→火すっと(火通すと)、おいしく焼けるよこの( ? )。ごちそう
4)feces→フィーシズ→( ? )はだれにもあるものせずとも良し糞便
5)feckless→フェックレス→フエー暗えす、そこまで行くと。( ? )( ? )というよりは。無能、無力
6)fecundity→フェカンデティ→へこんでて、水良く溜まる( ? )土地。肥沃な
別案:fecund→フェカンド→( ? )ものには、みんな発するへー、感動想像力豊かな
7)feign→フェイン→ボロを着て人( ? )な奴。装う
8)feisty→フェイシテ→頭にくると、( ? )屁して帰る( ? )男生きのいい、怒りっぽい
9)feral→フェラル→住めなくなって人減らる、残りし動物、( ? )し。野生化
10)festal→フェスタル→秋過ぎて、( ? )終わって囃子消え、太鼓はすたる、笛すたる祭り
11)fervent→ファーベント→人気大なるハーブ得んと、秘境に分け入る( ? )ハーブファン。熱烈熱意
12)fervid→ファービッド→絶対に、そのハーブいいど言い、ずらりと並ぶ( ? )ハーブファン。激烈熾烈
13)fetter→フェター→時代は変わり、( ? )は、ドンドン減ったー、なくなった。足かせ
14)bunko→バンコ→晩婚で、結婚( ? )に合い。詐欺
別案1:bunko→バンコ→蛮行は( ? )よりひどし。詐欺
別案2:バンコ→バンクを真似た金融( ? )詐欺
15)despicable→デスピカブル→男のくせに、「かみなりですピカッブルブル」では( ? )見下げらる
16)conptemptible→コンテンプチブル→政党乱立、まだこんでも(これ)プチブル押し通す、( ? )二世政治家見下げ果てた
17)starboard・port→スターボード→船上のスターぼーっ(スターボード・ポートの両方を含む)見とらんで、( ? )しっかり見なさい右左
18)sprig→スプリッグ→冬終わり、いざスプリっりんグ、雪の中から萌え出る( ? )若芽
19)blundererブラーン・ダラーブラーン・ダラーっとしている怠け者より、( ? )慌ててミスる( ? )そこつ者
参考:plundererプラーン・ダラープラーン・ダラーとした( ? )なんて怖くない?いやいやこれが一番恐ろしい。金融街や、券売り場、プラーン・ダラーとしたスーツ姿の( ? )。略奪者
20)amorous→アマラス→あたしが( ? )だなんてあんまらす(あんまりです)。セクシー
別案:「いいの?断って」「あ、もらうす。( ? )から。」なまめかしい
21)epicure→エピキュア→エビ食うわ食うわ、( ? )だもんね。美食家
22)incidence→インシデンス→納税( ? )したら支払は印紙でんす発生
23)binge→ビンジ→( ? )の後にやって来る(ビ)(ヂドンチャン騒ぎ
24)inchoate→インコエイト→( ? )、( ? )、「ゆっくりやって(いん)こえー声をかけあい始まったばかりで、まだこれからだ
25)decorous→デコラス→大事な客に出がらし茶入れる( ? )不作法
別案:decorous→デコラス→( ? )で、こらしめるべし。不作法
26)desiccate→デシケイト→( ? )不十分湿気っとまずい。もっと( ? )させなさい。乾燥
27)fiat→フィアット→当局の( ? )ヒヤっとし。命令
28)deputy→デピュティ→デブッいては、務まらない( ? )。代理人
29)spout→スパウト→スパーッと水出る( ? )。噴出口
30)stout→スタウト→何であれ スタート時は( ? )、( ? )り。どっしりして、丈夫


1)To shake things up, the report recommends that Congress nearly double USDA's annual budget for competitive funding of extramural research at universities.
Science MagazineDec 8, 2012
NIH extramural research chief Sally Rockey soon responded by saying the agency was holding firm.
Science MagazineNov 29, 2012

2)So I got rid of a lot of extraneous things, and I made it simple, clean and functioning.New York TimesJan 2, 2013
The bank has been disposing of extraneous and risky assets housed in its Citi Holdings unit for nearly four years.ReutersNov 28, 2012
3)Two days later, when Broadwell turned 40, Petraeus publicly announced that he was stepping down after “engaging in an extramarital affair.”TimeNov 15, 2012
General David Petraeus has resigned as CIA chief after admitting an extramarital affair.BBCNov 15, 2012

He was extradited to Thailand on 2 December after having an appeal turned down by the High Court.  BBCDec 28, 2012
Saudi Arabia has so far failed to extradite Ben Ali, despite a request by Tunisia's new government.  BBCDec 15, 2012
“It’s a fabulous children’s exhibit, in the right hands,” he said.New York TimesDec 28, 2012
Photograph: David Davies/PA So Britain's year of sporting wonders was celebrated with some lovely speeches, fabulous frocks, unbelievable bodies, and ghastly puns.
The GuardianDec 17, 2012

A larger perspective might have illuminated anti-Communist excesses and prevented facile contemporary parallels.New York TimesDec 29, 2012
At first Mr. Thomas hammers the bluff conceit so hard that he risks sounding forced and facile.
New York TimesSep 25, 2012

7)He walked sedately away, followed by the hotel factotum, who carried his natty traveling bag.
Lynch, Lawrence L.Mrs. Twining slowly turned her head, and followed the poor factotum with her kindled black eyes till she had quitted the room.
Fawcett, Edgar

This faction, which includes Michael Boskin of Stanford, worry about government debt “crowding out” private investment as holdings of U.S.
TimeJan 3, 2013Unlike other Taliban factions, Mr. Nazir’s fighters did not attack Pakistani military or government targets, instead focusing on the war inside Afghanistan. New York TimesJan 3, 2013

9)Shoddy inventions designed to bolster up a factitious pride.Webster, Noah
All sudden elevations are either imaginary or factitious.Elliott, Maud How
10)This standoff has left many leaders in both parties searching for fallback plans.Washington PostDec 16, 2012
The down payment手付金 and the fallback are sticking points.(交渉等での)行き詰まりの原因、譲れない一線   New York TimesNov 23, 2012

11)Let us pray for warring women that their politically ambitious leaders may no longer dupe them with fallacious promises—surely a "pathetic fallacy."Huneker, James

Well-intended, his expedition was fallacious in plan, unsuitably equipped, inadequately supplied, and manned by inexperienced volunteers.Greely, Adolphus W.

12)Mr. Johnson was fastidious at his apartment, which he shared only with cats.New York TimesAug 25, 2012
Nature could, of course, turn out to be this fastidious.EconomistJul 6, 2012

Other activists said 12 people were wounded, with no fatalities.ReutersDec 29, 2012
Finally, an official announcement was made: 20 child fatalities.SalonDec 28, 2012

He developed severe headaches, some with migraine features, and often seemed unusually fatigued.
Washington PostDec 18, 2012
She has put on weight and in recent times appeared fatigued.New York TimesJan 3, 2013

15)Then, as these thoughts ran through his head, he smiled at his own fatuity in taking Winifred's consent for granted in this summary fashion.Matthews, BranderHe does so in the book on the pulse, mainly in order to show, as he thinks, the fatuity of such observations.Walsh, James J

16)More than this, uniformly slow looks like a tactical faux pas.
The GuardianNov 24, 2012With Indian curves, tight leggings worn over a short tunic constituted a fashion faux pas, she said.
New York TimesNov 22, 2012

Sullivan’s model is innovative: He plans to eschew advertising altogether.SalonJan 3, 2013
Party leaders seem united in eschewing “Western paths” for their political and economic development.NewsweekDec 30, 2012

18)But the bigger picture invariably gives way to intramural issues.New York TimesDec 26, 2012
“Word of mouth can be golden around here,” Mr. Young said of the intramural deal-making.New York TimesOct 28, 2012

19)This temporizing reply was dictated by his sensitive spirit.  Farjeon, Benjamin Leopol  
He continually counselled "mutual forbearances and temporizing yieldings on all sides."  Bolton, Sarah Knowles

20)As Frankie Howerd used to say, I occasionally got my titters out, but great guffaws proved elusive.BBCNov 22, 2012
People tittered nervously, looked around to see how others were voting as nearly half said yes.New York TimesNov 6, 2012
21)While stationed in Korea, he became enamored with Asia.  New York TimesDec 27, 2012
Environmentalists once enamored with the team are now openly bitter.  Scientific AmericanNov 9, 2012

22)Now and then the temptation was too strong and she fell into alliteration, writing of "ponderous puddings and curdled custards."  Pennell, Elizabeth Robins
Sportswriters, looking for imagery or lyrical alliteration in the age before cable television, made a habit of bestowing nicknames on athletes too.  New York TimesMay 11, 2011

23)Luiz, up against the club he had supported as a boy, had done well to crowd out Emerson on one barnstorming breakaway.  The GuardianDec 16, 2012
Two years after Ruth’s 1934 barnstorming tour in Japan, the country organized its first professional baseball league.  New York TimesNov 14, 2012

24)Hemophilia B is caused by a lack, or insufficient amount, of the blood coagulation factor IX protein, needed for normal blood clotting.  ReutersSep 27, 2012

Patients with hemophilia A lack or have reduced levels of coagulation factor VIII.  ReutersSep 27, 2012

25)Initial results were very promising, but then Vertex had to restate them.  ForbesDec 28, 2012
Steve Morrison, a disk jockey, has been going to Vertex for almost eight years.  ReutersAug 20, 2012

26)二例共最近の例Increasingly better and cheaper online payment solutions too are catalyzing e-commerce activities in Malaysia.  ForbesDec 28, 2012
Instead, the focus is on building a strong work culture and catalyzing behavior.   ForbesDec 12, 2012
27)I call it “The Red Carpet Siren”: head tilted down, chest out, shoulders cockeyed, lips puckered.  ForbesJan 27, 2012
But there’s no need to get up on a high horse to think Perry's dalliance is cockeyed.  SlateOct 26, 2011
28)As the details trickled out, it was so clearly inane.  Seattle TimesOct 17, 2012
Too much of the Bagley Wright's afternoon schedule was taken up instead with inane podcast performances and trivia games repeated daily — a real waste.  Seattle TimesSep 4, 2012
29)In Iran, Ahmadinejad's political foes smelled an opening.  ReutersDec 26, 2012
HIV has been one of modern medicine's most implacable foes.  BBCDec 24, 2012
30)But next door, in South Dakota’s tiny Sully County, incomes have risen an amazing 70.4% to $116,067.  TimeNov 28, 2012
Pluse, dangling wires can sully an otherwise streamlined look.  ForbesOct 30, 2012




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