
6/11 いろいろなology   いろいろな学問




6/11号(15of 216)---毎週月曜日0:00更新---

類似語(rhyme words ;~ology)---逆引き辞書によれば、この~ologyの接尾辞語は約450語ほどあるようですが殆どは専門用語で(ologyの前部の意味が分かれば想像できますが)、一般の英英辞書にも非収録のようです。ただ書物などでは時折使われるものもあり、その度に悩まされるものです。ここでは,馴染みのあるbiology,ecology,ideology, psychology 以外で、見たことあるもの・紛らわしいもの9語を取り上げました。(他に取り上げた方が良いものありましたらどうぞお教え下さい。)品詞はすべて「~学」を表す名詞なので、例文は割愛させて頂きました。無理やりダジャレましたので苦しさはご容赦下さい。書物で出会いアレと思った時、これらのダジャレ文が思い出されればきっと「アー良かった」と感じられることでせう。それを心から念じております。

anthology     あーそー老人好きなの詩選集。(「アンソロジー」としてお馴染みですが下との対比として収載。)

anthropology  あんす老母老人になる日、だから重要人類学。

ethnology    すのろ )比較できない人類を、比較するのが民族学

ethology     これで人間の行動・品性わかるとは(おそろじ行動学

archaeology  空き家路地に見つけて 気取る考古学

etymology   接頭辞と呼ぶ語源学。(真偽はこの際不問。)
別案二:  え!でも老人なら知ってるだろうその語源
別案三: 「エッチも老人では知らないその語源

methodology   めそめそどろどろ 、めそどろじとらんで何か方法考えろ。それこそが方法論。(methodから類推可か。)

meteorology  毎日いつも見ておろろじ(おろーっち=いるだろう)気象庁の天気予報 。(meteorological observatory でお馴染みか。)

mythology        神話の歌はミソラシド。ーーーチョイ苦しい、求む妙案。(myth をご存知ならば収載不要か。)

 一網打尽Ⅱの2-1.(avoid 属3語)

いつの時代も若者はしゃん(shun)と助言しようとしても、「いい加減すてーや、くれー(steer clear---フレーズ)」「もー、えーす」ちゅう(eschew)って、敬遠する。

 He is an actor who shuns publicity.

A lot of people women in paticular,steer clear of these sensitive issues.

Although he appeared to enjoy a jet-setting life, he eschewed publicity and avoided nightclubs.


These are the urban poor ,living in the sordid back streets and alleys of prosperous Victorian cities.

We ended up in a sleazy bar on the outskirts of the town.

A seedy-looking  man offered me a cigarette.

 He followed the migrants up a rickety staircase to a squalid single-room apartment.



Mother was of very small stature, barely five feet tall.

The new statute covers the care for, bringing up and protection of children.


'Stop it,'he said,and  nudged the boy lightly with his knee.

All dumping of sludge will be banned by 1998.

We had to trudge up the track back to the station.



Without adequate medical supplies, doctors could only to look on helpless as chorela victims continued to emaciate.

The king emancipated the emaciated slaves.(上下にそれぞれ別例文ありますが、「紛らわしい単語峻別」版つまり英文ダジャレの一種として収載いたしました。)

Constant criticism has emanated from her opponents.

Newly emancipated states in Eastern Europe want to join the European Community.

The poor priest was plied with drink at a dinner party.

It's illegal for unmarked mini-cabs to ply for hire.

The brightly colored boats ply between the islands.


A raise in employee wages might stimulate production.

She burned with an incandescence that had nothing to do with her looks.

Great privileges attach to the position of the dean.

She is loath to give up her hard-earned liberty.

He is obstinate and ditermined and will not give up.


The movie is teeming with obvious and trite ideas.

I've learned that the cliche about life not being fair is true.

I know it's sounds corny,but I'm really not motivated by money.

What had seemed fresh and exciting at first was stale and predictable.
Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrups. That's the old hackneyed phrase, but it's true.


She is an invidious indivisual.

He liked dance and was dunce at school.

A good compliment is a complement to a good English class.

We need exercize to exorcise  wild fancies from us.

We assent to making the ascent of Mt.Fuji.

A desire and jealousy conspired to inspire me to aspire to the high TOEIC degree. But he respired with a sigh and perspired with fear since his scholorship expires next month.


※参考文献・サイト;merriam-webster.com ;http://jukenkioku.net/goro/index-a.html Learner’sTHESAURUS;LONGMAN Learner's  Dictionary ;Progressive Reverse Dictionary;COBUILD English DictionaryOxford

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